The European Biennial of Contemporary Art

28 June 31 October 2014

St. Petersburg, Russia The State Hermitage Museum

Community program

Inside Out Workshops

The inside out workshops at MANIFESTA 10 are a series of outreach workshops in the biennial’s educational program that are designed to develop new audiences for contemporary art. These workshops investigate the way contemporary art interacts with different communities in St. Petersburg and seek to make contemporary art accessible to the general public. Artists and MANIFESTA 10 Mediators have expressly developed these community workshops so that participants experience contemporary creative culture and MANIFESTA 10 from different perspectives. These workshops aim to engage participants with contemporary art and provide them with the opportunity to describe their experiences and interpretations through different contemporary creative techniques and practices. Participants will explore genres such as visual poetry, sound art, multimedia art, installation, performance, painting and animation. Each workshop also includes a guided tour of the General Staff Building and a discussion. 

Target audience: those with disabilities, children from orphanages, teenagers from social centers, the elderly, professional associations etc.


Animation Studio "Da"
Charitable Center for families and children
Natalia Petukhov, Leonid Tsoi
Art Studio of the "Perspectivy" NGO
Alexander Dashevsky
House of War Veterans №1 in Pavlovsk
Datsan Gunzechoyney
Amy Pieterse
The ‘Transit’ Social Centre for children
Machine Libertine
Masterclass for IT developers